About Brandi
Brandi Swindell has been a vital force in building a culture of life and currently lives in her hometown of Boise, Idaho. Through her dedication to build a culture of life she has been active in leading and organizing many life-affirming events — locally, nationally, including Washington DC, and internationally.
In 1999 Brandi Swindell co-founded Generation Life to mobilize the post Roe generation. Generation Life is a grassroots movement of activists, students, artists, musicians, young adults and professionals committed to ending abortion and spreading the message of sexual integrity.
As a woman from the post-Roe generation and a young leader in the pro-life movement, she carries a particularly important message. She represents the new face of pro-life America–young, passionate, and articulate, going into the public square to build a culture of life for the next generation. Brandi is a nationally known